
Audio versions of Teleport best technical blog posts.


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Setting Up an SSH Bastion Host

Setting Up an SSH Bastion Host

10m 18s

What is an SSH bastion and how is this different from an SSH jump server or an SSH proxy? In this post, we’ll answer this question and will show you how to set it up using two popular open source projects.

OpenSSH is the older and better known SSH server. It comes pre-installed by default with the vast majority of Linux distributions and is the easier option to get started with.
Teleport is a much newer SSH server, its first production-quality release came out in 2016. Teleport has been optimized for elastic multi-cloud environments and supports other access protocols in...

SSH Best Practices using Certificates, 2FA and Bastions

SSH Best Practices using Certificates, 2FA and Bastions

23m 3s

The industry best practices for SSH security include using certificates, two-factor authentication, and SSH bastion hosts. Below, we practically explain how to implement these best practices in detail using working sample commands and configurations with OpenSSH users in mind.

Troubleshooting Kubernetes Networking Issues

Troubleshooting Kubernetes Networking Issues

9m 2s

This is the first of a series of blog posts on the most common failures we’ve encountered with Kubernetes across a variety of deployments.

In this first part of this series, we will focus on networking. We will list the issue we have encountered, include easy ways to troubleshoot/discover it and offer some advice on how to avoid the failures and achieve more robust deployments. Finally, we will list some of the tools that we have found helpful when troubleshooting.